Our Services
Our Vegan Media Agency
We are a full service media marketing agency and offer consulting on all aspects of vegan business.
Our international team know the language, the culture and the technology. Project management including branding, campaigning, engineering, web site creation, social media management, SEO and analytics. Create the right image with content that looks and sounds professional; language and style are important. Ensure you are reaching the right people and turning leads into sales.
Creating your own website, is essential for show casing your talents and to be taken seriously as a business enterprise. The whole operation need not be as difficult as you think. More some ideas see here
Coaching and Consulting
Manage all aspects of your project from concept, startup, product design, branding, growth, sales.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
If you sign up with our SEO Plan, we will set up and/or verify all your social media accounts and set you up with a Google360 package. We want you to stay ahead of your competition and online marketing is much more than your website.
Working with influencers for paid shoutouts and endorsement has been shown to be much more affective than traditional advertising. We use pinpoint targeting based on country, sector and keywords, to ensure we reach the relevant target audience. Engagement is key and never more so that in vegan marketing, where fake or irrelevant followers is not only wasteful but can be counter productive.